DISCLAIMER this site is not associated with GWAR, Slave Pit Inc., or any GWAR affiliated people. This is made for fun and not for anything else.
GWAR has been my favorite band since I was in 6th grade. Its something that means a bunch to me due to it being a special interest of mine. I love to talk about it, and I love when people want to know the band. I have always wanted to educate people on the history of the band since its a favorite topic of mine, I just havent gotten to discuss it yet.
GWAR's first album was in 1988, titled Hell-o. It was labeled under the Shimmy Disc. For the songs themself, I like a lot of them. My favorite song from this album has to be Pure as the Arctic Snow (since its what my Reddit username is based off of)
This was GWAR's second album and the one they're most known for. It was their first album under Metal Blade Records and is one of my top albums out of their current discography. My favorite song has to be either Horror of Yig or Vlad The Impailer.
America Must Be Destroyed was one of their first albums that was also used as a soundtrack for their movie, Phallus in Wonderland. The movie was about a plot of Oderus Urungus trying to get back his Cuttlefish of Cuthulu after The Morality Squad took it away from him. My favorite song has to be Crack in the Egg.
This album is GWAR's 4th album and one of my favorites. It was one of the first gwar albums to be censored taking out the song BDF(Baby D*ck F*ck). My favorite song to be from that album would have to be Jack The World which was in the Beavis and Butthead game for the Sega Genesis and SNES.
On September 18th of 1990 GWAR played in North Carolina where they got the cops called on them due to someone being offended by them displaying a scene shoving swords up a priests anal cavity. This would end with them getting Oderus Urungus' cuttlefish taken and them having to go to court.
A funny thing about this court case would be that the judge that took over this case would have the name of Richard Boner.
From The Guardians article titled Metal, cosmic barbarians and a judge called Dick Boner: the glorious grotesquery of Gwar, they would describe that "The seriousness of the subsequent court case was undercut by the fact that the judge’s name was Dick Boner. “It was just so profoundly absurd,” says Bishop."
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